A Day as Any Other

It started a day as any other

Well, I should say,

As any Saturday in spring would.

The hour was early, but not so early

That it was unpleasant to rise

Check my belongings-

Once, twice, third times’s the charm-

It’s all there and I’m out the door.

Practice is brief

We run

We kick

As I say,

We SOCCER (Insert dinosaur roar here).

Afterwards is the mad scramble to the cars

Who goes with whom?

How many fit in a car?

It matters not, I’ve got all

I can take in my Car


The Drive is short and fast

First subway, gotta eat after all

We did just have practice

A spicy sriracha chicken sandwich

For me, I’m not sure what the others got

And once more we’re off

Off to our service-



It’s not hard work

But does that take away

From its validity?

Helping is helping

After all. The hours begin to

Tick by. Time is measured by

Toys in a bag; is measured

By the shoes in a box.

It’s all thirty or so of us

Smiling, Laughing, Serving.

The joy of being with my brothers

Far eclipses the negative feelings

I had that day-

The day that started as any other

And in fact wound up

In a much different spot
than I had imagined.

It had taught me the joy

Of service and it

Reminded me of

The Privilege to serve.

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